Alexander Hughes Paris
For over 40 years Alexander Hughes Parisian office, led by a team of experienced and high-level consultants, has been serving the most demanding clients on the market in a unique trust relationship. Our know-how and our global field of expertise support you in all sectors of activity and more particularly in those of Industry, Real Estate and Finance.
Depuis plus de 40 ans le bureau parisien d’Alexander Hughes animé par une équipe de consultants expérimentés et de haut niveau sert les clients les plus exigeants du marché dans une relation de confiance unique. Notre savoir-faire et notre champ d’expertise global vous accompagnent dans tous les secteurs d’activité et plus particulièrement dans ceux de l’Industrie, de l’Immobilier et de la Finance.
Managing Partner
David Epstein
Address: 100 avenue de Suffren,
75015, Paris , France
Tel.: +33 1 44 30 22 00
Contact this office
Alexander Hughes Paris
For over 40 years Alexander Hughes Parisian office, led by a team of experienced and high-level consultants, has been serving the most demanding clients on the market in a unique trust relationship. Our know-how and our global field of expertise support you in all sectors of activity and more particularly in those of Industry, Real Estate and Finance.
Depuis plus de 40 ans le bureau parisien d’Alexander Hughes animé par une équipe de consultants expérimentés et de haut niveau sert les clients les plus exigeants du marché dans une relation de confiance unique. Notre savoir-faire et notre champ d’expertise global vous accompagnent dans tous les secteurs d’activité et plus particulièrement dans ceux de l’Industrie, de l’Immobilier et de la Finance.
Managing Partner
David Epstein
Address: 100 avenue de Suffren,
75015, Paris , France
Tel.: +33 1 44 30 22 00
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Managing Partner
Joel-Eric Missainhoun
Address: Plateau, Avenue Delafosse prolongée
Tel : +225 20 21 21 11
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Foundedin 2009 andbasedinAlgiers, Alexander HughesAlgeriaisrecognizedas one of thewell-respectedgeneralistExecutiveSearchandmiddilemanagementconsultancyfirmsin thedomesticmarket.
Managing Partner
Nassim Lounes
Address: 17rue G – les crêtes, Hydra, 16 035 Algiers
Tel: + 213 23 48 57 92
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Alexander Hughes The Netherlands is located in Amsterdam. With dedicated and highly experienced consultants with a sound understanding of client needs in a ever fast changing world, we show excellency in finding the exact match in talent, skill and company culture to ensure long term successful senior leaders.
Alexander Hughes Nederland is gevestigd in Amsterdam. Met toegewijde en zeer ervaren consultants met een goed begrip van de behoeften van de klant in een steeds snel veranderende wereld, tonen wij ons uitstekend in het vinden van de juiste match in talent, vaardigheden en bedrijfscultuur om succesvolle senior leiders op lange termijn te verzekeren.
Managing Partner
Antoine Buytendijk
Address: Herengracht 282,
1016 BX Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)6 43 99 41 25
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Founded in 2000, Alexander Hughes Greece is exclusively focused on executive search via direct approach. We take pride in being recognized by our clients for providing high quality services, including a thorough and professional search, extensive evaluation as well as regular project updates and insightful reports on short-listed candidates.
Η Alexander Hughes, με έδρα την Αθήνα, ιδρύθηκε το 2000 και έχει σαν αποκλειστικό σκοπό την εξεύρεση, αξιολόγηση και επιλογή στελεχών για λογαριασμό επιχειρήσεων μέσω απευθείας προσέγγισης.
Οι πελάτες μας διακρίνουν σε εμάς έναν συνεργάτη που παρέχει ιδιαίτερα ποιοτικές υπηρεσίες, οι οποίες περιλαμβάνουν διεξοδική και άκρως επαγγελματική έρευνα, εκτεταμένη αξιολόγηση, τακτική ενημέρωση για την πρόοδο του έργου καθώς και λεπτομερείς εκθέσεις αναφορικά με τα στελέχη που προτείνουμε.
Managing Partner
Fivos Kiousopoulos
Address: 64Kifissias Avenue
15125 Marousi, Greece
Tel: + 30 210 6148180
Fax: +30 210 6141603
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Alexander Hughes Espana is present throughout the Iberian Peninsula with offices in Barcelona and Madrid. Since 1990 we provide Executive Search services for Directors and Executives to support public and private organizations in strategic positions and human capital challenges. Since 2016, Alexander Hughes Human Capital completes our services offer by assisting and advising Senior Management on its main issue: the adaptation of its professional teams to the current challenges.
Presentes en toda la Península Ibérica desde nuestras oficinas de Barcelona y Madrid. Desde 1990 Alexander Hughes– Executive search – proporciona servicios de búsqueda directa de Directivos y Ejecutivos que resuelven los importantes desafíos de capital humano, en las posiciones mas estratégicas de las organizaciones publicas y privadas. Alexander Hughes – Human Capital – desde 2016 , complementa nuestra oferta de servicios asistiendo y asesorando a la Alta Dirección en su principal desafío, la adecuación de sus equipos profesionales a los retos actuales.
Managing Partner
Miguel Codina
Address: Avda. Diagonal, 389, 1st floor
08008 Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +34 93 487 08 99
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Alexander Hughes is present on the Executive Search Lebanon market since 2008 to cover the region, working on local and regional Executive Search mandates. Our team located in Beirut is composed of Senior Consultants with long tenure within the firm of more than 20 years. Alexander Hughes is catering to local, regional and multinational clients in various sectors.
Managing Partner
Patricia Zahr
Address: Ashrafieh-Sioufi, Emile Lahoud Str.
Immeuble Dib 1er etage
P.O. Box 165209 Beirut, Liban
Tel: + 961 1 422 690/1/2
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Present in Serbia since 2006, the Serbian office has provided direct search services for many international clients over the years, by using the AH methodology and focused approach.
Rich of its local knowledge, the research and consulting team provides high-class services for search and placement of middle-levelled and top-levelled executives, as well as hard-to-find profiles.
Kancelarija u Srbiji, prisutna od 2006. godine, je tokom godina pružala direktne usluge pretraživanja za mnoge međunarodne klijente, koristeći metodologiju i fokusiran pristup kompanije AH.
Kao poznavaoci lokalnog tržišta, tim istraživača i konsultanata pruža usluge visokog kvaliteta za pretragu i zapošljavanje rukovodilaca srednjeg i visokog nivoa, kao i usluge pretrage za profilima koji se teško pronalaze.
Managing Partner
Ludovic Coquillet
Address:Vladimira Popovica 38-40
11070 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: +381 11 715 69 28
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Since 2002, Alexander Hughes offers high-level services in Executive Search and Top-Management / Board Advisory in Switzerland. Georges A. Bouverat, Managing Partner, leads a trilingual team, with extensive Management experience. We offer in the whole country expert and people knowledge, deep understanding of cultures and languages as well as proven processes to our loyal and demanding clients. We cater to all sectors, in particular Industry, Construction, Banking and Finance, Life Science, Energy, Consumer markets, Technologies, Public sector, International Organizations, NPO, Education and Higher Education.
Seit 2002 bietet Alexander Hughes hochwertige Executive Search und Top-Management / Board Advisory Dienstleistungen in der Schweiz an. Georges A. Bouverat, Managing Partner, leitet ein dreisprachiges Team, welches langjährige Führungserfahrung miteinbringt. Fachwissen, Menschenkenntnisse, Verständnis für Kulturen- und Sprachenvielfalt sowie erprobte Prozesse stellen wir in der ganzen Schweiz einer treuen und anspruchsvollen Kundschaft zur Verfügung. Wir sind in allen Sektoren tätig, insbesondere Industrie, Bau, Bankwesen und Finanzen, Life Science, Energie, Konsumgütermärkte, Technologien, öffentliche Hand, internationale Organisationen, NPO, Bildung und Hochschulen.
Managing Partner
Georges Bouverat
Address:Optingenstrasse 16
CH-3013 Bern, Switzerland
Tel: +41 31 566 2710
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With offices in Chicago, Boston and New-York, we conduct Executive searches across the US. Since 2007, we have been partnering with European companies doing business in the US to find and attract the Executives they need for their North American operations. We work in a variety of industries such as industrial Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Consumer Goods, Packaging and Services. Our team’s language skills include English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch.
Managing Partner
Myriam Le Cannellier
1 Broadway
Floor 14
Cambridge, MA 02142
Tel:+1 312 268 6166
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Present in Slovak market since 2005 directly, the Central European office has provided direct search services for many international clients over the years, using the knowledge of the local conditions and candidates.We are constantly building our relationship with our customer and candidates base.
Stredoeurópska kancelária, ktorá pôsobí na slovenskom trhu už od roku 2005, poskytuje v priebehu rokov služby priameho vyhľadávania mnohým medzinárodným klientom, pričom využíva svoje znalosti lokálnych podmienok a kandidátov.Neustále budujeme vzťah s naším zákazníkom a tiež kandidátsku základňu. —
Managing Partner
Richard Hes
Address: Nam. 1. Maja 11, 811 06
Bratislava 1 Slovakia
Tel: +420727960184
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After 40 years present in Brazil through a strategic partnership with Albert Tuteleers Human Resources, Alexander Hughes, confident on Brazil’s potential and capacity, has opened its own operations locally, onboarding on a permanent basis Albert Tuteleers and adding Guilherme Fernandes as Managing Partner to the team. Together they add over 65 years of executive search, industry expertise and team appraisal experience and are able to support Alexander Hughes’ international clients as well as locally support searches in any sector and position, supported by a highly skilled team comprised of over 130 experts.
Presente há 40 anos no Brasil através de aliança estratégica com Albert Tuteleers Recursos Humanos, Alexander Hughes, certa do potencial e capacidade do Brasil, abre sua própria operação no país, contando com a permanência de Albert Tuteleers e adicionando Guilherme Fernandes à equipe como Managing Partner. Juntos somam mais de 65 anos de experiência em recrutamento executivo, experiência de mercado e avaliação de equipes, suportando os clientes internacionais da Alexander Hughes assim como procuras locais em qualquer setor e posição, apoiados em uma equipe altamente competente composta por mais de 130 experts.
Managing Partner
Luis Guilherme Fernandes
Address:RuaSergipe 401, cj.704
Higienopolis – 01243-906 São Paulo, Brazil
Tel: +55 11 98145-4608
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The Belgian office of Alexander Hughes, under the responsibility of Didier Bailly, is composed of a team of multi lingual consultants of high level in Executive Search, experienced in management and governance. Our know-how accompanies the most demanding customers throughout Belgium and Luxembourg in all sectors of activity and more particularly in those of Industry, Finance, Life Sciences, Consumer Goods and Technology.
Managing Partner
Didier Bailly
Address: Boulevard Saint-Michel 47,
B-1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 402 00 40
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Cu peste 20 de ani de expertiza pe piața locală, Alexander Hughes România, condusă de o echipă de consultanți seniori, a colaborat de-a lungul anilor cu unii dintre cei mai exigenți clienți de pe piață, construind relatii de încredere unică. Senioritatea noastra pe piata locala, dar si pasiunea si dedicarea cu care abordam fiecare misiune in parte, fac din echipa Alexander Hughes un partener de incredere pentru clientii ce activeaza in cele mai diverse domenii, de la Servicii Financiare si Tehnologie, pana la Productie Industriala sau Bunuri de Consum.
Pentru CV spontane si oferte de locuri de munca, va rog sa trimiteti mesaj la adresa de e-mail:
With over 20 years of expertise on the local market, Alexander Hughes Romania led by a team of experienced and high-level consultants, partnered with the most demanding clients on the market in a unique trust relationship. Our seniority on the local market, but also the passion and dedication we approach each mission with, places Alexander Hughes team as a reliable partner for the clients working in the most diverse fields, from Financial Services and Technology to Industrial Production or Consumer Goods.
For spontaneous CVs and job offers, please send an e-mail
Managing Partner
Dana Noujeim
Address: 9, Benjamin Franklin street
Bucharest 1, Romania
Tel: +40-21 231 07 20
Fax: +40-21 231 07 19
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Alexander Hughes Budapest – part of our Central European Office headquartered in Prague – has been serving its most demanding clients in the rapidly changing and most demanding market for 10 years. Our extremely flexible and fast services satisfy the full market, especially in the fields of Financial Sector, Agriculture and FMCG.
Az Alexander Hughes Budapest a prágai központú Közép-Európai Iroda részeként már 10 éve szolgálja ki a legigényesebb ügyfeleit a gyorsan változó, és a szolgáltatásokkal szemben a legmagasabb elvárásokat támasztó piacon. Rendkívül rugalmas és gyors szolgáltatásaink a teljes piacot magas színvonalon elégítik ki, különösen a pénzügyi szektor, a mezőgazdaság és az FMGC piacán.
Managing Partner
Richard Hes
Address: EMKE épület, Rákóczi út 42.,1072
Budapest, Magyarország, Hungary
Tel/Fax: +36 (28) 386 367
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Established in Casablanca, AH Maghreb has become a strong partner with major Moroccan and Multinational companies. Developing a trustful relationship with candidates worldwide, AH Morocco plays an important role to execute specific search in order to match the right candidate with the right environment. Having an extensive knowledge on Moroccan and Multinational subsidiaries and on the Moroccan profiles allow AH Maghreb to successfully approach the Moroccan diaspora and master the matchmaking aspect of recruitment in harmony with the processes within the group.
Managing Partner
Nadia El Iraki
119 Boulevard Bir Anzarane – 5ème etage
Casablanca, Morocco
Tel: +212 522 29 53 06
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With offices in Chicago, Boston and New York, we conduct Executive searches across the US. Since 2007, we have been partnering with European companies doing business in the US to find and attract the Executives they need for their North American operations. We work in a variety of industries such as industrial Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Consumer Goods, Packaging and Services. Our team’s language skills include English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch.
Managing Partner
Myriam Le Cannellier
77 W Wacker Dr – Suite 4500,
Chicago, IL60601
Tel:+1 312 268 6166
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Since 2022, Alexander Hughes offers high-level services in Executive Search and Top-Management / Board Advisory in Chili. Beat Wimmer, Managing Partner, Macarena Acevedo and Anibal Gamboa as Partner are building a four lingual team, with extensive Management experience. Our offer is present in the whole country, expert and people knowledge, deep understanding of cultures and languages as well as proven processes to our loyal and demanding clients. Our offer cover all sectors, in particular Industry, Retail, Automotive, Finance, Energy, Technologies, Public sector, Education and Higher Education.
Desde 2022, Alexander Hughes ofrece servicios de búsqueda de ejecutivos y directores de alto nivel en Chile. Beat Wimmer, Socio Director, Macarena Acevedo y Aníbal Gamboa como Socios están formando un equipo multiidiomas, con una amplia experiencia en gestión y liderazgo de equipos y empresas. Nuestra oferta está presente en todo el país, en el conocimiento de personas, su comprensión de la cultura e idioma así como procesos probados a nuestros fieles y exigentes clientes. Nuestra oferta cubre todos los sectores, en particular Industria del comercio detallista, automotriz, finanzas, energía, tecnologías, sector público, educación superior.
Managing Partner
Beat Wimmer
Address: San Sebastian 2812
Oficina 801
Las Condes, Santiago de Chile
Tel: +56 9 2606 3222
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Alexander Hughes Denmark is expert in Executive Search for Top Management (C-Level and Boards) and highly specialized experts. Our team in Denmark consists of seasoned Consultants with extensive Top Management experience and specific insight in many sectors: Manufacturing Industry, Finance including Insurance, Pension and Real Estate, Energy and Utilities, Transportation and Distribution, Consumer and Wholesale, ICT and Professional Services. Consultants are supported by our local as well as international research and support staff providing the most extensive network and the optimal combination of local and global insight and reach. We provide our clients’ with valuable insight in the sectors we are active in and we know what is going on in the companies’ Management Boards and in particular who the top performers are and how they do. Located at Kongens Nytorv in the very heart of Copenhagen we are celebrating our tenth anniversary in Denmark in 2019.
Vi er eksperter I Executive Search til topledelse (bestyrelse, direktion, funktionsdirektører) og specialister med høje faglige kompetencer. Teamet i Danmark består af særdeles erfarne konsulenter med omfattende topledelseserfaring og specifik indsigt i mange brancher: Producerende industri, Finans inklusive forsikring, pension og ejendomme, Energi og forsyning, Transport og distribution, ICT, Forretningsservice. Konsulenterne assisteres af vores lokale såvel som internationale research- og support-stab som sikrer det mest udbredte netværk og den optimale kombination af lokal og global indsigt og rækkevidde.Vi forsyner vores klienter med værdifuld indsigt i de brancher og sektorer, vi opererer i, og vi ved, hvad der foregår i virksomhedernes ledelser, og ikke mindst hvem der leverer toppræstationer, og hvordan de gør det.Vi har kontorer på Kongens Nytorv i hjertet af København, og vi fejrer i 2019 vores ti års jubilæum i Danmark.
Managing Partner
Evan Tolstoj Hansen
August Bournonvilles Passage 1 (Kongens Nytorv) Denmark
Tel: +45 70 22 43 70
Fax: +45 70 22 56 70
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Managing Partner
Didier Acouétey
Address: Lot 240 ZR, Camp Guézo01 BP – 5500
Tel: +229 21 31 76 34
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Managing Partner
Didier Acouétey
Address: 15 Bd Djily Mbaye, Immeuble Xeweul
Tel: +22133 825 34 25
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Managing Partner
Didier Acouétey
Address: Imm. UPS, Avenue de Gaulle Bonanjo
Tel: +237 33 07 48 21
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With over 10 years of successful operation in Germany, our office in Frankfurt has established itself in the automotive branch and industry sector, but also specialized itself in the sales and marketing sectors as well as the insurance, banking and technical services sector. Furthermore, we work in the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare, aerospace and IT. Under the lead of Michael Neumann, we became known for our high quality service – always going the extra mile to satisfy our clients and their needs.
Mit über 10 Jahren erfolgreicher Tätigkeit in Deutschland hat sich unser Büro in Frankfurt in der Automobilbranche und Industrie etabliert, sich aber auch auf die Bereiche Vertrieb und Marketing sowie Versicherungen, Banken und technische Dienstleistungen spezialisiert. Darüber hinaus sind wir in der Pharmaindustrie, im Gesundheitswesen, in der Luft- und Raumfahrt sowie in der IT tätig. Unter der Leitung von Michael Neumann wurden wir für unseren qualitativ hochwertigen Service bekannt. Wir sind stets bemüht, unsere Kunden und ihre Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen.
Managing Partner
Michael Neumann
Address: An den drei Hasen 37,
D-61440 Oberursel,
Tel: +49 (0) 6171 916930
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Since 2002, Alexander Hughes offers high-level services in Executive Search and Top-Management / Board Advisory in Switzerland. Georges A. Bouverat, Managing Partner, leads a trilingual team, with extensive Management experience. We offer in the whole country expert and people knowledge, deep understanding of cultures and languages as well as proven processes to our loyal and demanding clients. We cater to all sectors, in particular Industry, Construction, Banking and Finance, Life Science, Energy, Consumer markets, Technologies, Public sector, International Organizations, NPO, Education and Higher Education.
Depuis 2002, Alexander Hughes offre des prestations de service de haut-niveau en Executive Search et Top-Management / Board Advisory. Georges A. Bouverat, Managing Partner, dirige une équipe trilingue qui dispose d’une importante expérience en Management. Nous mettons à disposition de notre clientèle fidèle et exigeante notre expertise, connaissance de l’être humain, compréhension de cultures et de langues ainsi que des processus éprouvés. Nous sommes actifs dans tous les secteurs, en particulier l’industrie, la construction, les banques et la finance, les sciences de la vie, l’énergie, les marchés des biens de consommation, les technologies, le secteur public, les organisations internationales et à celles à but non lucratif, l’enseignement et l’enseignement supérieur.
Managing Partner
Georges Bouverat
Address:Chemin des Mines 2
CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 319 2710
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Alexander Hughes China office has all-round business competences, with more than 20 years’ experience doing business in China, serving about 350 international firms, with hands-on management: experience in running and managing industrial and service operations in China. We deliver tailored solutions designed for success in the Chinese market.
Alexander Hughes 中国办公室拥有全面的业务能力,拥有超过20年在中国开展业务的经验,为大约350家国际公司提供服务,具有实际管理经验:有在中国运营和管理工业和服务业务的经验。我们为公司提供成功的解决方案。
Managing Partner
Nicolas Musy
Address: Room 1702, 1 Peking Road
Tel: +852 2269 5109
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Founded in 2013, we are specialized in Executive Search and Leadership Solutions including Talent Mapping, Board Advisory, Succession Planning, Executive Assessment and Team Effectiveness.
Meltem Deren and her team have a strong track record in Financial Services, Private Equity, Technology, Healthcare, Business Services and Manufacturing industries and on a functional basis, they have developed an expertise in CEO, CFO, COO, Chief Sales & Marketing, Compliance, Risk, Legal, HR, IT, Supply Chain, and Digital Officer roles.
Having decades of experience in leadership consulting, they have built a reputation for delivering solid results in complex tasks for global companies.
Managing Partner
Meltem Deren
Bağdat Cad. Balçiçeği Sok. No:3/1 34744
Kadıköy, İstanbul, Turkey
Tel: +905302905332
ALEXANDER HUGHES DEREN PARTNERS İNSAN KAYNAKLARI VE YÖNETİM DANIŞMANLIĞI HİZMETLERİ LTD. ŞTİ. ; Türkiye İş Kurumu’nun 10.08.2022 tarih ve 1392 numaralı izin belgesi ile faaliyet göstermektedir.4904 sayılı Kanun uyarınca iş arayanlardan ücret alınması yasaktır.
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At Alexander Hughes, we pride ourselves on providing specialized global Interim Management Solutions. Our goal is to connect you with the right operational Executive Interim Talent that not only ensures business continuity but also aligns perfectly with your company’s unique needs and challenges. Whether you are grappling with an immediate issue or require strategic support, we’re here to help.
Managing Partner:
Niels Aabye Madsen
August Bournonvilles Passage 1 (Kongens Nytorv) Denmark
Tel:+45 3112 2532
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Philip Armerding
Address: 85 Protea Road, Kingsley Park
Bl. B 1st Floor – Chislehurston 2196 South Africa
Tel: +271 18 83 25 00
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Alexander Hughes Korea, led by CK, ChaKyoon Koo, is our gateway to expand relationship with our global clients across Korea & North Asia region. Our Korean practice consists of a mix of global multinational and leading Korean companies. Based in the business hub of Gangnam, Seoul, our office serves clients for very challenging cross-border & local mandates to advise them on succession planning of key c-suite executives & leaderships. Our industry coverages in Korea includes, industrial, technology, finance, life science, and consumer sectors.
Managing Partner
CK, ChaKyoon Koo
Address:31 Seochojungang-ro 18-gil, Secho-gu,
Seoul, South Korea
Tel:+82 2 585 1561
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Since 2005, Alexander Hughes Portugal with offices in Lisbon enables clients in the industrial, commercial or professional services sectors to benefit from the quality of service and professionalism that have made the Alexander Hughes Group successful for over 40 years. The Head of the Office has more than 30 years of experience in Executive Search and offers the AH Group’s key accounts a service for their Portuguese subsidiaries at the same level that is already appreciated in other countries.
Desde 2005, a Alexander Hughes Portugal, com escritórios em Lisboa permite que os clientes dos setores industrial, comercial ou de serviços profissionais se beneficiem da qualidade do serviço e do profissionalismo que tornaram o Grupo AH um sucesso por mais de 40 anos. O Office Manager tem mais 30 anos de experiência em Executive Search e oferece às contas-chave do Grupo AH um serviço para as suas subsidiárias portuguesas ao mesmo nível que já é apreciado noutros países.
Managing Partner
Christian Coffinet
Address: Travessa João de Deus, 12
1200-235 Lisboa
Tel: + 351 939 49 8075
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Managing Partner
Ludovic Coquillet
Address:Trg Petra Krešimira IV. 14,
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel/Fax: +385 1 7899-889
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Managing Partner
Didier Acouétey
Address: 63 Bd du 13 Janvier – 61825 Togo
Tel: +228 22 20 21 04
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Alexander Hughes London, was established over sixty years ago in the UK and was part of a select brotherhood of Executive Search firms. Since its inception, Alexander Hughes has continued this lineage of affirmation and engagement to its clients internationally with over 54 dedicates offices. Our UK office is situated in St. James, London.
The UK office encompassesAlexander Hughes Executive SearchandManagers by Alexander Hughes.This unique offering not only focuses onExecutive and non- executive Directors but also senior managers and key critical experts embracing our professional search approach in alignment with succession planning and securing key business leadership positions whilst committing to the true values of its clients.
These offerings are further extended into the UK, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland to entail Governance, Board Services, Executive Team Assessments and Human Capital Appraisal.
Our team of experts cover all industry sectors.
Managing Partner :
Joanne Macris
Address:The Clubhouse St James’s,
8 St James’s Square –St James’s
SW1Y 4JU, London, United Kingdom
Tel:+44 (0) 1932 3666 00
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Alexander Hughes Luxembourg enables clients in the financial, industrial or professional services sectors to benefit from the quality of service and professionalism that have made the Group’s success for over 40 years. The office is headed by an Executive Search expert with over 30 years of experience, a large part of which is with the Alexander Hughes Group. The know-how of its allows to identify and find the best talents in the countries where they are currently working in order to offer them opportunities in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Alexander Hughes Luxembourg permet aux clients dans les secteurs financiers, industriels ou de services professionnels de bénéficier de la qualité de prestation et du professionnalisme qui ont fait le succès du Groupe depuis plus de 40 ans. Le bureau est dirigé par un expert de l’Executive Search qui a plus de 30 ans d’expérience dont une grande partie réalisée au sein du groupe Alexander Hughes. Le savoir-faire de son équipe permet d’aller identifier et débusquer les meilleurs talents dans les pays où ils sont actuellement pour leur proposer des opportunités au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
Managing Partner : Christian Coffinet
Tel: +352 621 290 316
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Alexander Hughes Lyon is located in the very heart of the Gauls city. Since 2000 Elizabeth & the Lyons team developed a diverse portfolio of clients from industry to professional services and always delivers a “haute-couture” service : the emphasize is put on the adequacy of the candidates personality and the DNA of the companies . Highly recognized as Business Partners by its clients, the team is focused on providing high qualified talented candidates.
Alexander Hughes Lyon est situé au cœur même de la capitale des Gaules. Depuis 2000, l’équipe d’Elizabeth Thomas-Gache a développé un portefeuille diversifié de clients allant de l’Industrie aux Services en leur offrant des prestations ” haute-couture “. L’expertise du cabinet de Lyon permet de mettre en adéquation la personnalité des candidats et l’ADN des entreprises. Reconnue comme partenaire d’affaires par ses clients, notre équipe les accompagne et leur permet de recruter des candidats talentueux et hautement qualifiés.
Managing Partner
Karine Duverger
Address: Pl. Bellecour-1 rue du Col. Chambonnet
69002 Lyon, France
Tel: +33 4 72 56 37 37
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Alexander Hughes Espana is present throughout the Iberian Peninsula with offices in Barcelona and Madrid. Since 1990 we provide Executive Search services for Directors and Executives to support public and private organizations in strategic positions and human capital challenges. Since 2016, Alexander Hughes Human Capital completes our services offer by assisting and advising senior management on its main issue: the adaptation of its professional teams to the current challenges.
Presentes en toda la Península Ibérica desde nuestras oficinas de Barcelona y Madrid.Desde 1990 Alexander Hughes– Executive search – proporciona servicios de búsqueda directa de Directivos y Ejecutivos que resuelven los importantes desafíos de capital humano, en las posiciones mas estratégicas de las organizaciones publicas y privadas. Alexander Hughes – Human Capital – desde 2016 , complementa nuestra oferta de servicios asistiendo y asesorando a la Alta Dirección en su principal desafío, la adecuación de sus equipos profesionales a los retos actuales.
Managing Partner
Miguel Codina
Address :Calle Moreto 15 2°dcha
28014 Madrid, Spain
Tel: +34 91 781 0502
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Alexander Hughes Malaysia, led by Pankaj Dutt, is our gateway to expand relationship with our global clients across Southeast Asia or ASEAN region. Our Malaysian practice consists of a mix of global multinational and leading Malaysian companies, including some of the largest GLCs. Based in the business hub of KLCC, our office has executed some very challenging local & cross-border mandates to advise clients on succession planning of key c-suite executives & board members of large listed companies. Our industry experience in Malaysia includes, automotive, IT, payments, consumer, private equity, real estate & oil & gas.
Managing Partner: Pankaj Dutt
1-15-03, Menara Bangkok Bank, Berjaya Central Park,
Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +(603) 2181 1806
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Our Mexico City Office is located in Polanco. This office provides services to all market sectors. Alexander Hughes Mexico team is constantly committed to deliver high quality servicesin a uniquetrust relationship according to our corporate values.The Mexico City office collaborates with the Monterrey Office to cover a swath of the nationwide market. We also work along with all our global offices for any regional or worldwide project.
La oficina de la Ciudad de México se encuentra ubicada en la zona de Polanco. Brindamos servicio a todos los sectores del mercado. El equipo de Alexander Hughes México está constantemente comprometido a brindar un servicio de alta calidad y una relación de confianza apegada a nuestros valores corporativos. La oficina de la Ciudad de México colabora en conjunto con la Oficina de Monterrey para cubrir una franja de toda la expansión de empresas a nivel nacional. También trabajamos en conjunto con nuestras distintas oficinas a nivel mundial para aquellos proyectos regionales y globales.
Managing Partner:
Adolph Cruz
Jaime Balmes 11 Torre B 402
Los Morales, Ciudad de Mexico CP11510
Tel:+52 (55) 68 45 05 78
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Alexander Hughes Middle East is headquartered in Downtown Dubai, in the vicinity of the iconic Burj Khalifa. Alexander Hughes is one of the few executive search firms to cover the whole region with regional offices in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Beirut, Lebanon. Our team is composed of native or well-established consultants having a strong expertise of the region across various sectors. We understand challenges faced by family businesses, local conglomerates and subsidiaries of large corporations.
Address: Level 14, Boulevard Plaza Tower 1
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Boulevard
Downtown Dubai
P.O. Box 5000046, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel:+ 961 1 422 690
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Alexander Hughes Italy has been established in 2001 and it is one of the most historic offices in our Group.The Italian team is mainly focused on search projects for Senior Executives, Board Members and has also built a strong track record serving a number of leading international Private Equity firms.
Alexander Hughes Italia è stata fondata nel 2001 ed è uno degli uffici storici del nostro Gruppo.Il team italiano si concentra principalmente su progetti di ricerca per Senior Executives ed Independent Directors anche in collaborazione con iprincipalifondi di private equity internazionali.
Managing Partner
Gianluigi Russo
Address: Corso Sempione 10,
20154, Milan, Italy
Tel: +39 02 33 61 47 88
Fax: +39 02 33 10 57 13
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The Monterrey office opened in 2018 seeking to be closer to customers and provide a much closer services. It is located at a strategic point to meet the needs of corporate located in the area. The specialization of the office is very focused on manufacturing processes and production processes, Automotive, Steel, Service, Hospitality, Banking and Finance.
La oficina de Monterrey apertura en 2018 buscando estar más cerca de los clientes y brindarles un servicio mucho más estrecho. Esta ubicada en un punto estratégico para poder cubrir las necesidades de los corporativos ubicados en la zona. La especialización de la oficina va muy enfocado a los procesos de manufactura y procesos productivos, Automotriz, Acerería, Servicio, Hospitalidad, Banca y Finanzas.
Managing Partner:
Arturo Olivas Torres
Av. Lázaro Cárdenas 2224, Zona Loma Larga Oriente
C.P. 66266 San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo León
Tel:+52 (55) 68 45 05 78
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Alexander Hughes has made its mark on the Canadian executive search market in recent years. With its dynamic and experienced team, as well as corporate values that overlap with the traditions of the profession and innovation, Alexander Hughes is committed to providing quality services, a more transparent approach and high added value for its clients. We work hard to attract exceptional managers for our clients. The accomplished and mutually beneficial relationships we maintain with them are the key to our long-term collective success.
Alexander Hughes s’est frayé une place sur le marché de l’Executive Search au Canada depuis quelques années. Grâce à son équipe dynamique et chevronnée, ainsi qu’à des valeurs d’entreprise chevauchant les traditions de la profession et l’innovation, Alexander Hughes se valorise d’offrir des services de qualité, une approche plus transparente et une grande valeur ajoutée pour ses clients. Nous travaillons avec acharnement afin d’attirer des gestionnaires d’exception pour nos clients. Les relations accomplies et mutuellement bénéfiques que nous entretenons avec nos eux sont la clé de notre succès collectif à long-terme.
Address:4710 rue St-Ambroise, Suite 321
Montreal, Qc. H4C 2C7
Tel: +1 514 866 3884
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Alexander Hughes provides executive search services in Russia and CIS since 2005. We have successfully accomplished more than 250 projects in different sectors. We’re proud to see our candidates become part of the team and achieve ambitious plans of our clients. We combine comprehensive approach and deep understanding of the local market with personal involvement in clients’ business growth and establishing long-term partnership.
Alexander Hughes работает в России и странах СНГ с 2005 года. За это время мы успешно выполнили более 250 проектов в различных отраслях. Мы гордимся тем, что найденные нами таланты становятся неотъемлемой частью команды и реализуют амбициозные планы наших клиентов в течение многих лет. Мы совмещаем профессионализм и экспертное понимание реалий локального рынка с личной заинтересованностью в развитии каждого клиента и сохранении долгих партнерских отношений.
Managing Partner:
Tatyana Tkachova
Milyutinskiy lane, 13 bld1
101 000 Moscow, Russia
Tel:+7495 926 98 22
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Mumbai is India’s financial and commercial capital and serves as an economic hub of India. The city is home to the Reserve Bank of India, the Mumbai Stock Exchange, and a variety of other major financial institutions. Mumbai is themost or second-most productive metro areaof India. Numerous global conglomerates and theFortune Global 500companies, theBombay Stock Exchange, theNational Stock Exchange of India, and financial sector regulators such as theSecurities and Exchange Board of India are based in Mumbai.
Mumbai office focuses in advising clients in attracting and recruiting senior level leaders in local and cross-border markets and hiring board members, c-suite executives, senior technology and digital change agents. We actively works with clients in TMT, GIC, offshores, start-up ecosystem and investor & VCs in domains like emerging tech, data science, analytics, AI, blockchain, cloud, RPA, industrial automation, industry 4.0, EV, fintech, food-tech etc.
Managing Partner:
Pankaj Dutt
DBS Business Center, B Wing, Ground Floor, Kanakia Wall Street
Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai – 400 093
Tel:+91 90 0445 9996
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Managing Partner
Andreas Heinel
Hardy manor,
Karen, Nairobi
Tel:+254 7154 30006
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Alexander Hughes India team is comprised of an eclectic mix of highly experienced consultants who have been either in c-suite roles with organisations of repute or with highly accomplished international executive search firms, collectively offering a deep and rich experience of recruiting high calibre leaders. While India office has been diligently serving the leadership hiring needs of our global clients in India, local practice has been equally successful in building global relationships with leading Indian business groups, partnering them in several succession planning and cross-border executive search mandates. The team in India has a proven track record in executing leadership search mandates for clients in Industrial, Automotive, Life Sciences, Banking & Finance, Consumer and Technology sectors with clients ranging from mid-market promoter managed companies to large listed corporations with multi-billion dollars of global revenue.
Managing Partner
Pankaj Dutt
Address:Unit 102, First Floor, Success Tower,
Golf Course Road Extension
Sector 65, Gurgaon – 122 022, Haryana
Tel: : +91 99711 07766
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With offices in Chicago, Boston and New York, we conduct Executive searches across the US. Since 2007, we have been partnering with European companies doing business in the US to find and attract the Executives they need for their North American operations. We work in a variety of industries such as industrial Manufacturing, Life Sciences, Consumer Goods, Packaging and Services. Our team’s language skills include English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch.
Managing Partner :
Myriam Le Cannellier
Tel : +1 312 268 6166
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For over 40 years Alexander Hughes Parisian office, led by a team of experienced and high-level consultants, has been serving the most demanding clients on the market in a unique trust relationship. Our know-how and our global field of expertise support you in all sectors of activity and more particularly in those of Industry, Real Estate and Finance.
Depuis plus de 40 ans le bureau parisien d’Alexander Hughes animé par une équipe de consultants expérimentés et de haut niveau sert les clients les plus exigeants du marché dans une relation de confiance unique. Notre savoir-faire et notre champ d’expertise global vous accompagnent dans tous les secteurs d’activité et plus particulièrement dans ceux de l’Industrie, de l’Immobilier et de la Finance.
Managing Partner
David Epstein
Address: 100 avenue de Suffren,
75015, Paris , France
Tel.: +33 1 44 30 22 00
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Managers by Alexander Hughes is dedicated to supporting companies and organizations in their recruitment of experienced executives, managers, experts, for succession-plan programs and the discovery of high potential profiles. We operate throughout France, but also internationally, in conjunction with Alexander Hughes’ offices around the world. We rely on the general but also functional expertise of our team of consultants, who come from headhunting or are linked to previous functions as business unit managers, operational managers or human resources managers.
Managers by Alexander Hughes a pour vocation d’accompagner les entreprises et les organisations dans le recrutement de cadres, de managers, d’experts expérimentés, dans le cadre de plans de succession et dans la recherche de profils à fort potentiel. Nous intervenons sur l’ensemble du territoire français, mais aussi à l’international, en liaison avec les bureaux d’Alexander Hughes à travers le monde. Nous nous appuyons sur l’expertise générale mais aussi fonctionnelle de notre équipe de consultants, issus de la chasse de têtes ou liés à d’anciennes fonctions de responsables de business unit, de responsables opérationnels ou de responsables des ressources humaines.
Managing Partner
Norbert Alix-Buguet
Address: 100 avenue de Suffren
75015 Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 44 30 22 00
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Alexander Hughes Prague – serves our clients in the region of Central Europe by delivering projects in Executive Search and we also provide Management Appraisal services. Our team of consultants has over 20 years of experience in search and selection of management talents and thanks to good understanding of international standards and local specifics we are able to serve most exact customers. Prague is sometimes described as Heart of Europe, in Alexander Hughes is AH Prague office the heart of at least CE region.
Alexander Hughes Praha – poskytuje služby v oblasti Executive Search a Management Appraisal v celém regionu Střední Evropy. Tým našich konzultantů má více než dvacet let zkušeností ve vyhledávání a výběru manažerů a díky naší schopnosti rozumět jak mezinárodním standardům, tak i lokálném sepcifikům jsem schopni poskytovat naše služby i těm nejnáročnějším klientům.
Managing Partner
Richard Hes
Address: Masarykovo nabr. 4, 120 00
Prague 2, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 2 249 130 92
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Alexander Hughes China office has all-round business competences, with more than 20 years’ experience doing business in China, serving about 350 international firms, with hands-on management: experience in running and managing industrial and service operations in China. We deliver tailored solutions designed for success in the Chinese market.
Alexander Hughes 中国办公室拥有全面的业务能力,拥有超过20年在中国开展业务的经验,为大约350家国际公司提供服务,具有实际管理经验:有在中国运营和管理工业和服务业务的经验。我们为公司提供成功的解决方案。
Managing Partner
Nicolas Musy
Address : Fortune Times Tower
Room 1002 No 1438 North Shaan Xi Road
Shanghai, China 200060
Tel : +86 21 6266 0844
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Our office in Singapore opened in 2017 expanding the existing Alexander Hughes operations in the Asia-Pacific region. Our decision to have a local presence in Singapore is consistent with our overall effort to be closer to many European companies who have their regional headquarters located in Singapore.
Managing Partner:
Michael Swinsburg
Address : 931 Boon Tat Street #02-01,
Singapore 069625
Tel:+61 2 9232 1566
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The Macedonian office is in a constant and natural connection to the other offices in the region. Acting as a pioneer on the market as far as the direct search services are concerned, AH Macedonia is dedicated to the search of executives for the needs of the companies present in Macedonia. A dedicated research and consulting team guarantees the in-depth market knowledge and smooth project execution.
Македонската канцеларија е во постојана и природна врска со останатите канцеларии во регонот. Дејствувајќи како пионер на пазарот во делот на услугите за регрутација преку директен пристап, АХ Македонија е посветен во пронаоѓањето на извршни менаџери за потребите на компаниите кои се присутни во Македонија. Посветениот тим за регрутација и консалтинг гарантира длабочинско познавање на пазарот и реализација на проектите.
Managing Partner
Ludovic Coquillet
Address : ul Hristo Tatrcev br. 47J lok 7
Kisela Voda
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
tel : + 389 70 504 405
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Alexander Hughes Bulgaria office has been opened in 2005 and its team has contributed to the opening of the offices in Belgrade, Zagreb and Ljubljana and to the development of executive search services in the Balkan’s region. All our executive search projects are Partner-led. The company conducts searches in all industries with focus on top management level projects but also provides direct search services at middle management and expert level roles, keeping the same focus and meticulous quality approach. We are also the only fully integrated executive search company in Bulgaria that complies with the Group’s international standards of providing executive search services.
Офисът на Алекзандър Хюз в България беше отворен през 2005 г. като екипът на компанията спомогна за откриването на офисите ни в Белград, Загреб и Любляна и развитието на услугата екзекютив сърч в региона на Балканите. Всички наши езекютив сърч проекти са изпълнявани от Управляващия Партньор. Компанията ни предоставя екзекютив сърч услуги във всички индустрии, предимно на топ-мениджърско ниво, но също така, изпълнява проекти на средно управленско ниво и проекти за редки специалисти, запазвайки същия фокусиран и ориентиран към високо качество подход. Ние сме и единствената компания в България, която е собственост на международната група Alexander Hughes International и която напълно отговаря на всички международни стандарти за предоставяне на екзекютив сърч услуги.
Managing Partner
Silvia Umnikova
Address: 2a, Saborna Street,
Sterling Business Centre
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 888 57 19 54
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Alexander Hughes is a global executive search company founded 6o years ago. In the Nordics we have been serving companies since 2005 to find top talent managers and highly experts. With our 52 wholly-owned offices round the globe we can support our highly demanding clients wherever their needs are. Our consultants with extensive management experience in different sectors have specific insight in many sectors. We are focused mostly on the Manufacturing Industries, Finance including huge experience of the Private Equity sector, Energy, Consumer and Real Estate.
Alexander Hughes är ett globalt rekryteringsföretag, grundat för 60 år sedan. Vi har hjälpt nordiska företag sedan 2005 med att rekrytera toppchefer och tyngre specialister. Tillsammans med våra 52 helägda kontor runt om i världen kan vi hjälpa våra kunder med enhetliga processer oavsett var deras behov finns någonstans. Våra konsulter har en gedigen erfarenhet av ledarskap från olika branscher. Vårt fokus ligger fram för allt på tillverkande industri, finansbranschen inklusive gedigen erfarenhet inom Private Equity, energibranschen, FMCG och fastighetsbranschen
Managing Partner
Björn Åkerblom
Östermalmstorg 1,
114 42 Stockholm
Tel: +46 8 501 103 70
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Alexander Hughes Sydney, led by a team of financial and professional services focused professionals, serves the Asia Pacific region. Our confidential and transparent approach in selecting high calibre talent at the C-Suite and general manager level, results in many repeat clients. Located in Harry Seidler’s iconic Australia Square, we sit in the hub of Sydney’s financial services district.
Managing Partner
Michael Swinsburg
Address:Level 30,
264 George st
Sydney, NSW 2000 , Australia
Tel: +61 2 9232 1566
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The Austrian office of Alexander Hughes was established in 2008 and has consistently supplied quality advice in Executive Search to local and multinational companies throughout Austria. Headed by Andrea-Izabella Fodor, Alexander Hughes Austria is a trusted partner for our Austrian and international clients that look to further develop their operations on the local market as well as at global level. Alexander Hughes Austria has a strong track record in Executive Search and Leadership Assessment across all industries, with a particular focus on Technology, Telecommunications, Financial Services, Professional Advisory, Industry and Retail. This industry knowledge, combined with the international Alexander Hughes’ worldwide coverage, allows the team to work closely with regional headquarters to provide high-quality and tailor-made solutions for our clients.
Das österreichische Büro von Alexander Hughes wurde 2008 gegründet und bietet seit jeher qualitativ hochwertige Beratung im Executive Search für lokale und multinationale Unternehmen in ganz Österreich. Unter der Leitung von Andrea-Izabella Fodor ist Alexander Hughes Austria ein vertrauenswürdiger Partner für unsere österreichischen und internationalen Kunden, die ihre Aktivitäten sowohl auf dem lokalen Markt als auch auf globaler Ebene weiterentwickeln wollen. Alexander Hughes Austria verfügt über eine starke Erfolgsbilanz im Bereich Executive Search und Leadership Assessment in allen Branchen, mit besonderem Fokus auf Technologie, Telekommunikation, Finanzdienstleistungen, Professional Advisory, Industrie und Handel. Dieses Branchenwissen, kombiniert mit der weltweiten Präsenz von Alexander Hughes, ermöglicht es dem Team, eng mit der regionalen Zentrale zusammenzuarbeiten, um unseren Kunden qualitativ hochwertige und maßgeschneiderte Lösungen anzubieten
Managing Partner
Andrea-Izabella Fodor
Address: Tegetthoffstrasse 7,
A-1010 Wien
Tel: +43 699 106 255 16
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Managing Partner:
Haykel Barbouch
3-5, Rue Mansourah Menzah IV
1002 Tunis, Tunisia
Tel:+216 71 753 765
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As one of the most dynamic economy in European Union, biggest market of all the new EU members, Poland is naturally highly interesting market also for Executive Search services.our team in Poland consists of professionals with previous top managerial experience.Our local expertise is mainly in IT/IS services, Pharma, Industry and Financial Services
Polska, jako jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się rynków gospodarczych w Unii Europejskiej i największy rynek spośród nowych członków UE, jest szczególnie ważnym krajem również w obszarze usług Executive Search. Nasz zespół w Polsce składa się z wysokiej klasy specjalistów, posiadających doświadczenie w zarządzaniu organizacjami na stanowiskach kierowniczych wyższego szczebla. Specjalizujemy się przede wszystkim w usługach dla sektora IT/IS, farmacji, przemysłu oraz usług finansowych
Managing Partner
Richard Hes
Address:Al. Jana Pawła II 61/55
01-031 Warsaw, Poland
Tel: +48602346469
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Established in 2008, Alexander Hughes Zagreb has been serving as a central office for the group’s activities in the Adria region for over a decade. With an ever growing network of national and international clients from various key industries in the region, the office has grown as well and the current team of consultants and researchers provides high-class human capital assessment and executive search services on the middle and top management level.
Alexander Hughes Adria, in partnership with Alexander Hughes London, has developed an IT desk in London in order to support the needs of its client companies from the IT, ICT and FinTech sectors. With decades of experience and a long history of practice in the IT industry, Alexander Hughes’ established British and International business network is an accessible, proven resource for IT start-ups and growing companies.
Osnovan 2008. godine, Alexander Hughes Zagreb već više od deset godina služi kao središnji ured za aktivnosti grupe u Adria regiji. Uz stalno rastuću mrežu nacionalnih i međunarodnih klijenata iz različitih ključnih industrija u regiji, ured je također porastao, a trenutni tim savjetnika i istraživača pruža visokokvalitetne usluge procjene ljudskog kapitala te pretraživanja i zapošljavanja ključnih pozicija na srednje i visoke razine upravljanja.
Alexander Hughes Adria zajedno sa Alexander Hughes London otvorio je IT odjel u Londonu kako bi podržao potrebe svojih tvrtki klijenata iz IT, ICT i FinTech sektora. S desetljećima iskustva i dugom poviješću prakse u IT industriji, britanska i međunarodna mreža ureda grupe Alexander Hughes ovim putem nudi pristupačan i provjeren resurs za potrebe IT startupova i rastućih tvrtki.
Managing Partner
Ludovic Coquillet
Address:Preradovićeva 34
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
Tel: +385 1 7899-889
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Since 2002, Alexander Hughes offers high-level services in Executive Search and Top-Management / Board Advisory in Switzerland. Georges A. Bouverat, Managing Partner, leads a trilingual team, with extensive Management experience. We offer in the whole country expert and people knowledge, deep understanding of cultures and languages as well as proven processes to our loyal and demanding clients. We cater to all sectors, in particular Industry, Construction, Banking and Finance, Life Science, Energy, Consumer markets, Technologies, Public sector, International Organizations, NPO, Education and Higher Education.
Seit 2002 bietet Alexander Hughes hochwertige Executive Search und Top-Management / Board Advisory Dienstleistungen in der Schweiz an. Georges A. Bouverat, Managing Partner, leitet ein dreisprachiges Team, welches langjährige Führungserfahrung miteinbringt. Fachwissen, Menschenkenntnisse, Verständnis für Kulturen- und Sprachenvielfalt sowie erprobte Prozesse stellen wir in der ganzen Schweiz einer treuen und anspruchsvollen Kundschaft zur Verfügung. Wir sind in allen Sektoren tätig, insbesondere Industrie, Bau, Bankwesen und Finanzen, Life Science, Energie, Konsumgütermärkte, Technologien, öffentliche Hand, internationale Organisationen, NPO, Bildung und Hochschulen.
Managing Partner
Georges Bouverat
Address: Bahnhofplatz 1,
CH-8001 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 441 5710
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