Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (2025)

Rest! presents...

Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (1)

Welcome! This is Sound Novel a tiny pack of musical assets. This time music tracks and stingers. These tracks are the perfect fit for most Visual Novel narrative. Used imaginatively they can cover a wide range of events and places.

Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (2)

In this pack:

  • 5 tracks + 2 stingers.
  • A reference document with the name and duration of each piece.

All the pieces in the 2 main audio formats generally used: OGG and MP3.

All the music is ready for looping.

By purchasing you support the creation of more assets!

Listen the tracks of this pack:

The Stingers:

About the Collection:

The main tracks are divided in 3 categories:

-Day Themes (4 tracks): ideal general gameplay states. Day time mood. With movement, happy, playful tone.

-Night Themes (4 tracks): ideal general gameplay states. Night time mood. Contemplative, calm, quiet.

-Dramatic Themes(6 tracks): ideal for negative or positive dramatic situations.

Also you have:

-Menu theme: ideal for a menu or option screens.

-Holy theme: ideal for church or sacred events.

-Credits theme: ideal for credits roll, or end of scenes.

And stingers for:

-Victory: Ideal when the chapters ends, for succesful conversations, or completedobjectives.

-Defeat: Ideal for game over transitions, bad decisions and failed objetives.

-Doubt:Ideal for mystery moments, strange dialog selections or surprise events.

You can find the other packs here:

Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (3)

All music was composed by Rest! (Ricardo Cuello)


Sound Novel - Visual Novel Music Pack by Ricardo Cuello is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (4)

CC BY-SA 4.0

What does this mean?

This means that you can use this music for personal or commercial purposes in one or more titles, you can make musical derivated works from it (remixes, cutting parts, etc) BUT those derivated works get the same license CC BY-SA 4.0 and you must giveappropriate credit, provide a link to the license, andindicate if changes were made.

When using the music, please put the corresponding credits in your game. Don't be a bad guy. I don't like bad guys... nobody likes a bad guy.

With putting my name is fine.

Aditionally, if you put my webpage, bandcamp site or itchio asset page on the credits, you are the best. I'm going to give you a hug.

AND... if you put also my logo, my god.. you deserve multiple hugs, a coffee, and you will have my eternal gratitude. Thank you!

Keep in mind that making music that serves for different generalpurposes, is functional, and that also needs to have cohesion in its entirety, is not an easy task to do.These packs take a hell lot of time to do.

Having said this, thank you for your patience and for taking the time to visit this page. I hope you enjoy music.


My name:

Rest! (Ricardo Cuello)

My pages:


Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (5)


Images used:

Banner Background:

Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (6)

If you liked the music you just heard consider following me on social networks to find out about the next releases!

Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (7)

If you liked, there is an album version(Lossless WAV) of this music here:

Other Packs and soundtracks:


More information

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars

(14 total ratings)

GenreVisual Novel
TagsGameMaker, Godot, Music, Narrative, RPG Maker, Singleplayer, Unity


Download NowName your own price

Click download now to get access to the following files:

Sound Novel - Visual Novel Music Pack - Tiny Pack.rar 53 MB

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boinkie196 days ago

Hello! I just want to thank you for this music pack! I used them in my visual novelEntanglement [Demo]. I wish you the best!Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (8)


Rest!143 days ago (2 edits)

I'm glad you like it, and that helped with your project!
Have a nice day.


ferventprayers2 years ago

Hey, there just wanna thank you for releasing this excellent music pack! I used Waiting (Night 1) and Bye (Dramatic 2) throughout my visual novel MONSTER MAYOR.Thesesongs are simplygourmet and very professional!

Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (9)

Thank you so much, and happy holidays!


Orinoku2 years ago

Hello! Thank you for sharing this beautiful music. I used the "Waiting (Night 1)" trackin myVN, but the game is written in Ukrainian, game's name translated like "In a stained glass window".


Pitz333 years ago

Can I use it in commercial games too? Ofc I will credit you.


Rest!3 years ago


Yes! You can use it for commercial games. The license is CC BY-SA 4.0 whichmeans that you can use this music for personal or commercial purposes in one or more titles.

Glad that you liked the music :D

Have a nice day.



Niko Games3 years ago

hi, i love the music

i was wondering becouse its my first time is it good if i put in credits your name, your links wich is in your section called "my pages" an if i faund how your logo is this good just wonted to ask

p.s game is for a jam


Rest!3 years ago

Sure, no problem. You can use any of the links or the logo if you like. With that is fine.
Glad to hear that you liked the music.

Have a nice day,


Deleted account4 years ago

Deleted post


Rest!4 years ago

Thanks for your kind word. Yes, this packs take a long time to do, but its worth it ;)

Looking forward to see the finished game with the music :D

Have a nice day.


Deleted account3 years ago

Deleted post


Deleted account3 years ago

Deleted post


studiocharlotte4 years ago

I loved your music, I would like to buy the grand pack for my game.Is there a way to pay by card?


Rest!4 years ago(+1)

Hi, thanks! Unfortunaly paying directly with a card is not possible because my country is not available yet. But you can make a Paypal account, charge money with your card on the account, and then pay with Paypal here.

I know, it's an annoying process but, as far as I know, is the only way, for now at least. :S

I'm really glad you liked the music. Have a nice day and stay safe! :D


Adam4 years ago

Had fun reading the description! I'll download your tracks. Thank you!


Rest!4 years ago

you're welcome :D


Foleso4 years ago

I love these tracks!


Rest!4 years ago

Thanks!soon I will be expanding this pack with more tracks. :D


Foleso4 years ago

Used it in my game ♥ Thank you for your great work!


Rest!4 years ago

Wow awesome! I will give it a try.


Visual Novel Music Pack // Tiny Pack by Rest! (2025)
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